Lago di Como, in July 2008...my last days in Italy after 10 months of Erasmus exchange...
Why did I start this blog? I had no time for other one, or so it seemed as I had a long break with no new posts..I have been trying to figure our how to change it altogether to match a broader scale of interests, so here I try to keep it simple and short. So the main purposes of this blog could be listed here and now:
-write down some daily impressions about traveling for myself, my friends, family and whoever would like to read
- share some pictures from the past and maybe even from present, if I travel somewhere in the near future)
-keep track of my travel plans
-at least try to keep travel tips, advice from friends, travel guides, magazines and so on in some order! I have accumulated in my travel diaries and million little notes that I loose a lot of information that could be useful for some others, too. I know that the locals know always the best where to go and what to do, so I also want to write down some tips for my friends who might ask "what do you suggest I should do in Venice?"
- I dream about traveling all the time so maybe this is a way to nourish my fever rather than calm it down :)