Haven't heard from this kind of phenomena in Berlin yet: restaurant owners or chefs would be forbidding their customers from taking photos of their food. According to New York Times it has got quite sensitive in some places, and rather embarrassing for some customers who don't see anything bad in snapping a couple of pictures with their smart phones.
Even in museums that are way more strict with photographing you see people sneaking shamelessly around with their cameras, so I can't really see how it would work for the restaurants. Personally, I would only find it annoying if a friend would take a hundred and one pictures of the same dish and not concentrate on socialising with me at all, but a few pictures wouldn't obviously get on my nerves, neither nerve the other customers or the staff.
New York on kieltänyt ilmeisesti ihan ensimmäisenä kuvaamisen ravintoloissaan laajemmin. He perustelevat sen sillä, että ihmiset eivät osaa kuvata ja siten laittavat huonolaatuisia kuvia nettiin. Se on taas negatiivista mainosta. Muistaakseni Italiassa on ravintoloita, joiden aterioihin kuuluu haluttaessa ruokakuvaamisen alkeet ja sitten syödään :) Jotkut ovat kauppamiehiä -toiset eivät :))